Tag: cocktails

Homemade Apple Bourbon

Homemade Apple Bourbon

Flavoured spirits seem to be very much the trend du jour as the drinks market attempts to capitalise on the popularity yet heavily congested and competitive industry. Whiskey and gin have seen a huge resurgence in recent times and as…

Kos: Where to Eat and Drink

Kos: Where to Eat and Drink

Kos, you had me at xαίρετε. From the stunning hotel Aqua Blu Hotel and Spa (review here) to the friendly and welcoming nature of the island’s people to it’s sandy beaches, it has it all. If you’re planning a visit…

Vieux Carré

Vieux Carré

A drink that can be traced back to the 1930s and named after the French Quarter in New Orleans, the Vieux Carré was invented in the rotating Carousel Bar of the famous Hotel Monteleone. This is an all alcohol cocktail in…

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