Tag: Dessert

Chocolate Biscuit Cake

Chocolate Biscuit Cake

It’s the stabilising base and foundations of your wedding cake. It’s the essence of your child’s birthday party. It’s at the core of so many celebrations. And yet it doesn’t require any timers or oven, no skewers or toothpicks for…

Chocolate Orange Mousse

Chocolate Orange Mousse

Some flavour combinations are just a “go to” classic. When there’s no room for error and the safety net of solid familiarity needs relying upon. Tomato and basil, peas and mint, strawberries and cream, the list could go on. Then…

Classic Summer Berries Pavlova

Classic Summer Berries Pavlova

What is it about a classic? There is something deeply satisfying and comforting in knowing when a dish will give you what it promises. When you know that nothing other will suffice and any alternations or further inventions to the…

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