Tag: Review

Review: Pálás Restaurant

Review: Pálás Restaurant

Restaurants or cafes that accompany the secondary space of a primary function like a gallery or theatre can frequently be very hit or miss. Bar some notable exceptions, and there certainly are some in Ireland, they are presented often with…

Galway’s Best Casual Dining

Galway’s Best Casual Dining

I think that talking about casual dining in Galway is something of a misnomer as it perhaps implies that there is anything other than casual about eating out here. One of the things that I love about Galway and its food…

Review: Aniar, Galway

Review: Aniar, Galway

If you’re lucky enough to get a second chance don’t waste it I don’t know if this quote applies more to me, or Aniar. In the restaurant industry second chances don’t come around too often. It’s standards of meticulous consistency…

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